Mac Os V Windows

Is Windows or Mac better for programming? Another in a long line of questions about which of the two is better for what activity. The Windows vs Mac debate has been going on for as long as the two have existed.

When you choose a laptop for programming, it seems as though the internet is rife with opinion posts about which is better for what subject whether it be personal use, photo or video editing, web development, gaming, cat video playing, etc. Today, we take a look at whether Windows or Mac is better for programming. By the way, read this if you are unsure about a laptop or desktop for programming.

The Mac appears to hail as the go-to for software engineers but does it really stand out against Windows for programming specifically? The answer is not as simple as you might think.

In short, this choice really comes down to the programming you will be doing and your own personal preference. Before we get into the breakdown between the two, there are a few things to remember when it comes to programming.

Mac Vs. Windows For Programming In 2020

Linux and UNIX

Oct 17, 2019. Sep 22, 2018.

Linux and UNIX are very important to programming. Before Linux came UNIX. UNIX is an operating system and is crowned as one of, if not the best, operating systems ever created, so called for its stability, flexibility, and security.

Linux is an operating system as well, just like Windows and macOS and has become one of the most popular development operating systems available. It powers everything from your phone to your refrigerator. Linux is Unix-like, meaning it is similar in many ways to Unix despite not being the same. You must be able to run Linux on your laptop to be able to program. That being said, both Mac and Windows can run Linux just fine.

…UNIX called for its stability, flexibility, and security . Linux powers everything from your phone to your refrigerator ..

What Are You Programming For

The laptop you choose will also depend on what sort of programming and development you are working on. Simply stated, if you’re doing programming work for macOS, it will likely be easier on you if you have macOS running on your device; likewise with Windows.

Simply stated, there are some stacks which just work better with Windows and some that just work better with Mac. So, before choosing a platform to program on, first think about what sort of programming you are going to be doing.

Personal Preference

To be perfectly frank, this debate really comes down to personal preference. If you’ve been using Windows your whole life, don’t take this article (or any of the opinionated, indoctrinated debates you see online) as proof that you need to switch to Mac or vice versa.

There is really no right answer to this question and it all comes down to your needs as a programmer i.e. what and who you are programming for as well as your needs as a consumer of technology. So, relax and have fun! That’s what programming is about.

Familiarity Of UX

Mac laptops are versatile, high tech machines that can get the job done. They will be able to handle most any coding and programming work you do. Especially if you’re doing programming work for an Apple ecosystem, then a Mac is your best option.

Almost any hiccups can be worked around using alternate software, apps, programs, etc. Some programmers claim that Mac will give you far fewer headaches than Windows when it comes to certain stacks or languages which may be true but the bottom line is your ability to program.

MacOS is Unix-like, meaning it is similar to, but not the same as, Unix and by extension, Linux. This means that development may just be a tiny bit easier and slightly less time-consuming on a Mac as compared to Windows.

Your Budget

The main drawback to Mac for the first time buyer is the price. Most new Macs range well over $2000 at the time of writing.

If you’re into programming as a career, Mac is definitely an option to consider for its programming ability and ease of use in certain stack development.

For casual programmers though, there are other, more budget-friendly, options available to you that will work for your purposes.

Do You Need Windows Specific Tools

With Windows, you would be developing on the platform used by the most users. Despite the Macs’ popularity in the media, Windows still reigns as the most used platform and thus the most developed for. You’ll find it more popular with software engineers who develop for the enterprise.

That being said, you can’t develop for iOS on a Windows computer so keep in mind the type of development you want to work on.

Windows is not Unix-like, as macOS is, but Linux can be run on Windows now and updates are being made relatively regularly to support it. This can bring Windows nearly up to the level of ease that a Mac gives with more compatibility and stability.

Stability Of O.S

While Windows is great for front end development, for back end developers, the platform can be a pain to use. You’ll be sitting through several hours of updates, drivers, installers, etc. to get a good system running but after that, you’ll find your development easier.

Does This Really Matter

While Windows may be better for some programming and Mac other, most all programming can be done on either with some workarounds. ‘Better’ (in terms of programming) here really means ‘easier’. Both types of laptops are very similar and you’ll find that programming ease often comes with practice and knowledge and not necessarily equipment.


Always keep in mind the type of programming you want to be doing and what your own personal preferences are when choosing between Mac and Windows for your programming needs.

Mac Os X Windows

Both types of laptops are very similar and you’ll find that programming ease often comes with practice and knowledge and not necessarily equipment. Always keep in mind the type of programming you want to be doing and what your own personal preferences are when choosing between Mac and Windows for your programming needs.

Mac Os X Windows Download


LINFO. Linux for Absolute Beginners, The Linux Info Project.

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Mac OS is the secondmost popular operating system after Microsoft Windows. Although you arecomfortable using Windows for a very long time but there are many scenarioswhere you need a Mac OS machine.

Hyper V Windows Mac Os

Whether you want to develop your iOS app on Xcode, using apps like Final Cut Pro or iMovie which only comes on Mac OS, you need to buy an expensive Apple Macbook. So, without making a hole in your pocket, the alternate solution to this installing Mac OS on your Windows computer. Let’s get started with this tutorial

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Step One: Download Mac OS ISO Image file


As you are on a Windows PC, you don’t have access to Apple Store to download Mac OS. You need to download Mac OS from an external trusted source. You can download the latest Mac OS Catalina 10.15 or Mac OS Mojave 10.14 Installer files from our website.

Step Two: Download Virtual Machine for Windows

There is various free Virtual Machine software available for Windows such as Oracle’s VirtualBox. But I recommend using VMware Workstation Pro, although it’s a paid software but you can use it free for 30 days trial. You can download Vmware Workstation Pro 15 from this link.

Step Three: Install VMware Patch to run Mac OS X

  1. Go to the VMware macOS Unlocker page to download. Click the Clone or download button, then click Download ZIP.
  2. Power off all virtual machines running and exit VMware.
  3. Extract the downloaded .zip file in step 1.
  4. On Windows, right-click on the win-install.cmd file and select Run as Administrator to unlock. Also, run win-update-tools.cmd for VMware tools for macOS.
  5. After the unlock process is complete, run VMware to create the macOS virtual machine.

Step Four: Create an Apple Mac OS Virtual Machine

  1. Click File, select New Virtual Machine…
  2. Select Typical (recommended) and click Next.
  3. Select I will install the operating system later. and click Next.
  4. Select Apple Mac OS X in the Guest operating system section and select macOS 10.14 in the Version section. Click Next.
  5. In the Name, the Virtual Machine window, name the virtual machine and virtual machine directory. I personally would put it on a different drive than the system drive.
  6. Select the size for the new virtual disk in the Specify Disk Capacity window. This is the virtual disk to be installed macOS. Click Next and then Finish.

Step Five: Run you Mac OS Virtual Machine with VMDK or ISO file

After successfully creating an Apple Mac OS Virtual Machine, you need to run the machine with an actual Mac OS file such as Mac OS Mojave 10.14 ISO file or Mac OS Mojave 10.14 VMDK Image

Windows V Mac Os

Mac Os X Windows 8

Watch this Video Tutorial

If you face any driver issues, Try installing VMware tools from the VM tab in the VMware window. Also, I would recommend assigning a minimum of 4GB RAM and 40GB of Hard Disk to your Virtual Machine.

Mac Os Hyper V Windows 10

That’s it for the tutorial If you face any issues or had any query then please let us know in the comment section below. You can also send us an email via the contact us page for personalized support.